Nak Souvenier best?

Misi Rahsia malam Jumaat.

Apakah MISI RAHSIA tersebut?.. Berazam je ni.. bahan-bahan belum di survey lagi.. Kalau ada jadila tu.. kalau takde?.. Camno ye.. Kesimpulannye tunggu esok hari je la...

Maka dengan itu.. Layan kan dulu petikan berikut. Kot ada yang nak tau/ tak tau..

A doughnut (pronounced /ˈdoʊnət/, /ˈdoʊnʌt/) is a type of fried dough food popular in many countries and prepared in various forms as a sweet (or occasionally savory) snack that can be homemade or purchased in bakeries, supermarkets, food stalls, and franchised specialty outlets. They are usually sweet, deep-fried from a flour dough, and shaped in rings or flattened spheres that sometimes contain fillings. Other types of dough such as potato can also be used as well as other batters, and various toppings and flavorings are used for different types.

The two most common types are the toroidal ring doughnut and the filled doughnut, a flattened sphere injected with jam (or jelly), cream, custard, or other sweet fillings. A small spherical piece of dough may be cooked as a doughnut hole. Baked doughnuts are a variation cooked in an oven instead of being deep fried. Doughnut varieties are also divided into cake and risen type doughnuts


Mohamadjahn said...

as salam..

saya buat lawatan balas..

saya follow..

puteraduyong said...

donut itu best!...miss big apple so much...

Unknown said...

saya nyer planning nak buat esok x jadi... postpone ari sabtu plak.

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...


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